We are proud to present our new Weaver Equipment product line

What are the first products included in WEAVER range? A series of lightweight and compact bottle jacks with capacities from 4 to 50 t.

We are proud to present our new Weaver Equipment product line

What are the first products included in WEAVER range? A series of lightweight and compact bottle jacks with capacities from 4 to 50 t.

We are proud to present our new product line.

Weaver Equipment:

Weaver are birds, known for their singular nest-building abilities, creating the most intricate and aesthetically captivating nests. Often observed in Africa, Asia, and some parts of Australia, they live in colonies and work together to construct and defend their shelters. Precision is their main quality.

The nest-building process among weaver birds is incredibly fascinating: the male weaver bird starts the process by creating a basic framework, that works as the main structure of the nest. Subsequently, the male weaves plant material around the frame, creating a complex structure, that offers protection from the weather and predators. The weaver nests can change in size, but many of them are so well-built that they last in time.

Weaver birds are known for their extraordinary social behavior. The male weaver can build more than one nest to attract females. Females visit the colonies and evaluate nests based on their structure and quality. If a female is impressed by a nest, she chooses the male, who constructed it as her partner.

In conclusion, these birds are an extraordinary example of how creativity and dedication can be used for survival and reproduction purposes in nature.

Why associate a range of products with the name of these birds?

Just as these small creatures, our products are designed to work side by side; a series of solutions engineered to be practical, fast and lightweight with the aim of providing 360° coverage for every type of workshop operation and more. WEAVER aims to be the complementary range to add to Mammut and Yak lines with the goal of satisfying the customer's needs with the highest quality guaranteed by Cattini Oleopneumatica.

What are the first products included in WEAVER range?

A series of lightweight and compact bottle jacks with capacities from 3.93 to 55.1 tons. CE marked and subjected to extensive testing, our WEAVER bottle jacks have the feature to provide maximum protection for the operator, when lowering the load. By implementing the new “HOLD TO RUN RELIEF VALVE TECHNOLOGY”, pressure release now takes place with the highest possible safety.

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